Christian - Jewish - Messianic Prayer Items :-
We are dedicated to offering quality products at discount prices. With many years experience handling Judaica and a love for beautiful, quality shofars, prayer shawls,Jewish Jewelry.
YB 137 - 24.95 $
60.96 x 182.88 cm
YB 133
YB 134
YB 135
YB 136
19.95 $
19.95 $
19.95 $ 19.95 $
Prayer Shawls
* Specifications: - Size 24" x 72". *Also available in Size 50
Hare Ram Hare Krishna Shawls
Click Here
YB 129 - 9.95 $ YB 130- 9.95 $
YB 131 - 9.95 $ YB 132 - 9.95 $
Specifications: - Size 24" x 72".
Also available in Size 50
Banner & Flags - 3.95 $

YB 100- 3.95 $ YB 138 5.95 $
YB 139 - 5.95 $ YB 140 - 3.95 $ YB 141 - 7.95 $
Univac Tubecrafts Private Limited
F - 10, Industrial Area, Udyog Nagar, Rohtak Road, New Delhi - 110041, India; Telefax : +91-11- 4571 8480, 2525 7082.
Mobile - +91-81304 71841 , 88268 11892; Email :
* Hare Rama Hare Krishna stoles
* Christian Relegious stoles
* Muslim Relegious stoles
* Yoga stoles